ICF Quick Guide to the CDBG-DR Federal Register Notices

Answering CDBG-DR-related questions is critical for those designing a compliant, impactful disaster recovery program - documenting collection activities is mandatory for proper accounting.

After a Presidentially declared disaster, Congress may pass a supplement appropriation that earmarks funding for U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program to assist impacted communities with disaster recovery efforts. HUD then allocates these funds — founded on the 法规 and regulations for traditional CDBG programs — to state and/or local government grantees to address their unmet housing, 基础设施, and economic development needs.

To outline how and where funding must be spent, agency information collection requirements, as well as waivers and alternative requirements that may apply to the appropriation, HUD publishes what is known as a Federal Register Notice.

适用于CDBG-DR受助人, 编译, 解码, and applying that information can be challenging and confusing. 为此目的, ICF has developed a live Google spreadsheet that provides an easy way for CDBG-DR grantees and their partners receiving appropriations as a result of 2017 disaster events to review and understand the FR notice that is applicable to their appropriation.


The spreadsheet organizes the information from the FR Notices that addresses: grantees and their allocations; general requirements; applicable rules, 法规, waivers and alternative requirements; certification requirements; and the methodology used for the allocation of funds. Within each of those topics, the spreadsheet columns identify:

  • grantee applicability;
  • 主题突出;
  • a brief summary of the provision; and
  • the page number in the Federal Register where the extended description is located.

The spreadsheet is searchable, enabling you to read about a particular topic and then visit the extended description page in the FR Notice.

Feedback or questions? 黄金城.

免责声明: ICF presents this information based on the Federal Register Notices identified in the document. Grantees should consult the actual Federal Register Notice before making program decisions. ICF may not be held liable for any incorrect interpretation of this information.

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